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Unbundle software development with
New Disruptive OS architecture

Use the technology, EcoOS framework and save above 50% on applications development and maintenance!

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Empowering Robotics, IoT, Smart Mobility & Cities, Telecom,  Electronics

New Unprecedented Features

There were no innovations in computer Operating systems designs for 30 years! OS architectures of the past can not cope with current state of hardware progress and demands of emerging industries & solutions:

Automation, Smart vehicles, IoT, Embedded solutions, Edge computing, Unikernel virtualization

More than 15 patents on core technology and UX will secure your work and specs to be unchanged.

cloud os

apps just work on any OS version, forever

no vendor-lock

quickly assemble solution or specialized OS from components

a guarantee by design that apps will work on any OS’ or microkernel’ generation, cutting maintenance costs to zero

expand software functions without access to source-code. Eco.Framework components do not depend on any specific OS or system library

use Eco.Framework to create new purpose-built operating systems, incl. RTOS or solutions for other popular OSes with unikernel libraries


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be the first to try new technology before your competitors

even know that such cool things even possible!

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Freedom from "OS slavery"

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due to OS generations support and its automatic handling you don't need to rebuild or update your software or its dependencies each time new OS version is released

configure OS only with required components like assembling Lego with dynamic or static build. Start, stop, upgrade OS components in real-time

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Professional tool-chain is provided strictly based on standards and RFC's including compiler for popular CPUs

Download or share components on marketplace as binaries or source-code. Focus on creating apps and features, rather than spending time on solving OS compatibility gaps or building 3rd party libs

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Want to know about our other solutions? Check our RISK-V modular pico-ITX SBC EcoSBV1, equipped with LTE/GSM, WiFi, Media, AI with Computer Vision, on-board cryptography and many other options.

Visit public marketplace of EcoOS components to download development kits or needed libraries!

EcoOS Marketplace


Have an interesting project? Drop us a message and we'll try to help

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Contact us: welcome (at)

Research is being carried out under grant support of Skolkovo Foundation

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